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A. Silent Client Setup

OnyxClientSetup supports silent mode using the following command line parameters:

Parameter Value Description
-? Help desk for command line parameters
-Auto Installation starts automatically
-Lang= Language Number For client language use: 1=DE, 2=EN, 3=RU, 4=ES, 5=IT, 6=FR, 7=CZ, 8=HU
-Server= Server Name z.B.: [MYSERVER]@MYSERVER oder [MYSERVER]@
-PORT= IP-Port number Optional; Default IP-Port nubmer=16300
-PATH= Install Folder Lokal install folder or Default
  • If any of the parameters is missing, OnyxClientSetup will stop at this point
  • For -PATH=Default folder ..\Programs\Image Instruments\Onyx3Client\ is used
  • If not specified, subfolder Onyx3Client will be created automatically
  • In case of empty spaces in folder name, use quotation marks: -PATH=“C:\\Onyx 3Ceph“

The command line below connects to the server via port 16300 and installs a client with GERMAN langage settings in the standard installation folder:

OnyxClientSetup.exe -Auto -Server=[SRV]@SRV -Lang=1 -Path=Default 

The command line below connects to the server via port 16500 and installs a client with ENGLISH langage settings in folder D:\OnyxCeph\Onyx3Client:

OnyxClientSetup.exe -Auto -Server=[SRV]@ -Port=16500 -Lang=2 -Path=D:\OnyxCeph 

B. Command Line Interface

For PMS integration, OnyxCeph³™ supports the VDDS-media interface. For detailed information abou this interface, see www.vdds.org

Handing over patient data to OnyxCeph³™ is done by launching OnyxCeph.exe with specific command line parameters. There are two ways to hand over patient data: by command line parameters or by an INI text file. Tags are used in both cases. Following you will find a survey of the tags supported:

1. Patient Data Tags

Mandatory Parameters
PatID Unique ID, up to 50 Charactern
Birthday Format: YYYYMMDD, e.g. "20090530" für 30.5.2009
Sex Format: "M" for Male and "F" for Female
Optional Parameters
PatTags Patient keywords (separated by ";")
"PatMarker" Modify markers on patient tab: 5 chars: „1“ set marker „0“ reset marker „-“ no change
"InsuranceID" Number/ID of health insurance
ContactDate Format: YYYYMMDD, e.g. "20090530"
ModelNum Additional cast ID

2. Image Data Tags

In addition, image files can be handed over to OnyxCeph's image acquisition. Supported image formats are BMP, TIF, JPG, GIF, CMP, PNG, PCX, IMG, DICOM and others.
In order to ensure correct image-to-patient assignment, at least parameter Patient ID needs to be handed over by tag PatID described above. Submitting additional information by optional tags is also possible.
To hand over 2D images to OnyxCeph³™, the following tags can be used:

PicCount Number of images to be transfered
PicErase "Y" or "1" OnyxCeph³ deletes the files after saving
"N" or "0" (Default) OnyxCeph³ doesn't delete the files
PicPath# Full Path oft the Image File #¹
PicInfo# Additional Information, Just Like Tags, Comments, etc.
PicTags# Keywords Concerning the Image (Separated by ";")
PicDate# Date of Aquisition, Format: YYYYMMDD, e.g. "20090530"

¹ # will be replaced the image number starting with 1; e.g. the first entry is -PicPath="C:\tmp\img.jpg"

3. Transfer by Command Line Parameters

If patient and image data is transferred via command line parameters the file OnyxCeph.exe is started with the tags and followed by the values as command line. Any value should be formatted as follows


Empty space between multiple tags is required - find some examples in topic 6.

4. Transfer via HTTP

If the infoserver is active in OnyxCeph³ master data can also be transferrred to OnyxCeph³ via HTTP requests.
OnyxCeph³ operates as HTTP server and serves the configured port. In case the checkbox Only Local is activated (Standard) only access from IP is allowed.

Server:Port/SetPat Tag="Value" Tag="Value" …

If no space character is in Value the quotation marks can be omitted.

5. Transfer by Text File

For this purpose, a text file in INI format has to be provided. The file has to contain a [PatDat] section. Patient and image data can be defined under this section using the tags described above.
In order to hand over data, OnyxCeph.exe has to be launched with parameters -PatID and -Data. Parameter -Data= should define the folder path where the INI file is located. OnyxCeph³™ doublechecks if the used patient ID is identical to the INI file -PatID parameter. Only if so, provided data will be handed over.

6. Transfer via DICOM File

A DICOM file includes patient data as well as image data. If name and path of a DICOM file is handed over after the command line parameters:

-DICOM=“File Name“

then the patient's master data is compared and the image is opened in module Add Imag 2D.
Parameter -PicErase (see above) is also supported unterstützt.

All other parameters are ignored and do not have to be handed over.

7. Import of .O3C-Containers

An .O3C-container-file comprises patient data as well as image data. It may include data of several patients. If the path of the container-file is transferred after the command line parameter:

-ContainerFile=“File Name“

the patient's master data and image data is compared. For this purpose the import dialog opens. If the container was uploaded to an FTP-server the key can be transferred via command line parameter ContainerFTP:


The command line parameter ContainerNote allows handing over of a string that can be attached to the comment of the images adopted:

-ContainerNote=“Auftrag #0-8-15“

After import OnyxCeph³ automatically opens the respective client and patient.
All other parameters are ignored and do not have to be handed over.

8. Starting Module in OnyxCeph³™

The parameters ActionBefore and ActionAfter allow starting of specific modules. At present starting the following modules is supported (will be extended):

ActionBefore ((prior to master data compariso)

Patient kopieren: -ActionBefore=“CLONEPATIENT:123“ -PatID=“123New“

ActionAfter (after master data comparison or container import)

Präsentationstemplate: -ActionAfter=“PRESENTATION:TemplateName“

9. Detecting OnyxCeph.exe

The command line interfaces needs to address the location of the executable OnyxCeph.exe. The default location for this program file is:

 <Program Files>\Image Instruments\Onyx3Client\OnyxCeph.exe

Since this location could be changed during setup or later, it beter should be read from the local registry. Search for the following registry key:

 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Image Instruments\OnyxCeph\Install Path

to find out where the executable is located.

10. Examples

a. Searching the Registry Key

 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Image Instruments\OnyxCeph\Install Path

The Value may be e.g. "C:\Program Files\Image Instruments\Onyx3Client\"

b. Creation of a new patient record:

 "C:\Program Files\Image Instruments\Onyx3Client\OnyxCeph.exe" -PatId="123" -Firstname="Test" -Lastname="Patient" -Birthday="19960313" -Sex="F" -PatMarker=-1---

c. Assigning 2 images to an existing patient record:

 "C:\Program Files\Image Instruments\Onyx3Client\OnyxCeph.exe" -PatId="123" -PicCount=2 -PicPath1="C:\temp\XRay.tif" -PicPath2="C:\My Images\Foto.jpg"

d. Transfer of two STL-files for a known patient, delete files after import:

 "C:\Programme\Image Instruments\Onyx3Client\OnyxCeph.exe" -PatId="123" -PicErase=1 -PicCount=2 -PicPath1="C:\scan\OK.stl" -PicPath2="C:\scan\UK.stl"

e. Performing b. and c. in one step:

Source files are to be deleted after images are saved to the database:

 "C:\Program Files\Image Instruments\Onyx3Client\OnyxCeph.exe" -PatId="123" -Firstname="Test" -Lastname="Patient" -Birthday="19960313" -Sex="F" -Title="Dr. med. dent." -City="Chemnitz" -PicCount=2 -PicErase=1 -PicPath1="C:\temp\XRay.tif" -PicInfo1="Lateral Ceph" -PicDate1="20000815" -PicPath2="C:\My  Images\Foto.jpg" -PicInfo2="Lateral Foto" -PicDate2="20000814"

f. Opening of a patient via HTTP and updating the name:

Opens patient 123 and updates master data when indicate PatId="123" Firstname="Test" Lastname="Patient"

Birthday="19960313" PatMarker=”-1—”

g. Opening of a patient and presentation template via HTTP

Opens patient 123 and after that the presentation template Onyx_Images_8 PatId=123 ActionAfter=“Presentation:Onyx_Images_8“

h. Copying of a patient via HTTP

Copies the patient 123 inclusive of all images. The copy gets the new patient ID 123New and is renamed to „Test Patient“ -ActionBefore=“ClonePatient:123“ -PatID=“123Neu“

-Firstname="Test" -Lastname="Patient"

i. Using INI file: First, the INI file has to be created (e.g. C:\Temp\MyPatientData.INI):


 Title=Dr. med. dent.
 PicInfo1=Lateral Ceph

Launch OnyxCeph³™ with the following command line parameters:

 "C:\Program Files\Image Instruments\Onyx3Client\OnyxCeph.exe" -PatId="123" -Data="C:\Temp\MyPatientData.ini"

j. Transfer of patient and image via DICOM File:

OnyxCeph³™ is supposed to load patient and image data from the DICOM file and delete it after adoption:

 "C:\Programme\Image Instruments\Onyx3Client\OnyxCeph.exe" -DICOM=C:\Temp\XRayPost.DCM" -PicErase=1

k. Import of patients and images from a container:

OnyxCeph³ is supposed to load patient and image data from a container that is located on an FTP-server. The comment field of the recorded images is filled with the order number:

 "c:\Programme\Image Instruments\Onyx3Client\OnyxCeph.exe" -ContainerFTP=“C5UW5SJNN3....B6DKHUWUQKD73" -ContainerNote=#42

or via HTTP: ContainerFTP=“C5UW5SJNN3....B6DKHUWUQKD73" ContainerNote=#42   
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en/installation_extras.1462266476.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/03 11:07 by onyxadmin