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GRAPHY Course Florence

Notes on installation and use of the OnyxCeph³™ software

GRAPHY Course Florence

It will be possible to use a free of charge single-user training license of the OnyxCeph³™ orthodontic software for the course. The installation should take place on a notebook which is available for the entire duration of the course and which fulfills the requirements described below in order to be able to work with the software on it without any problems:


Operating system
OnyxCeph³™ runs on all current Windows™ operating systems. So you should use Windows™10 or Windows™11. If you want to use a MacBook, then a current Windows™ must also be installed on it and bootable via Bootcamp. Installation and use under Parallels is not recommended for performance reasons.

Computer mouse
For the practical work with OnyxCeph³™ the use of a 2D computer mouse (preferably with mouse wheel) as input device is indispensable. A 3D mouse (e.g. SpaceMouse from 3Dconnexion) can be helpful, but is not required.

Graphics card
The 3D functions in OnyxCeph³™ use OpenGL version 4. Optimal for this is an external GeForce graphics card from NVIDIA or other manufacturers. With some limitations in terms of performance, notebooks with Intel on-board graphics can also be used. However, it is important that the respective graphics has the latest driver. Please refer to these ►Notes for updating the graphics driver.


Install the current version of the OnyxCeph³™ software on the notebook. Use the following download link for this (valid until 17.01.2023):


If the download link has already expired, request a new one under ►Download request.

Unzip the downloaded ZIP file and from there call the installer OnyxCDMenu.exe to run the installation of the local database (install server) and the local workstation (install client) one after the other. Detailed instructions for the installation can be found here: ►Installation instructions.

If a version of the OnyxCeph³™ software is already installed on the notebook, you can update it online via the Onyx3Config program or also use the download link provided above for this purpose.
Please also note that administrator privileges are always required for new installations and updates of programs under Windows™.


After the first start of OnyxCeph³™ call the program OnyxRegister via menu item [Options|Register].

In Step 1, enter your personal data. For practice name¹ please use

Graphy Course Florence

¹Case sensitive and without additional spaces before or within or after the practice name.

In Step 2 the checksum CRC = 7042 and the key version number version = 72 must then be displayed. If this is not the case, please check again the correct spelling of the practice name in step 1.

CRC = 7042 KeyVersion = 72

In Step 3 you should paste the key from the clipboard which you will receive from Marco.
Confirm the license conditions and the cancellation policy and start the activation with button [Register].

Patch Installation


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en/wmm.1677859351.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/03 17:02 by onyxadmin