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Deinstallation Onyx Database Server

Deinstallation of the Onyx database server OnyxDBServer.exe can be done from category Programs and Features in the Windows control panel by context menu (rightclick) or doubleclick on list entry

 OnyxCeph Database Server 3.x

The deinstallation process will complete the following steps:

  • Deleting all subfolders and files frm local server folder ..\Onyx3Server except subfolders ..\OnyxDB and ..\Pictures
  • Deleting program group Onyx3Server from the Windows Start menu
  • Deleting all desktop links/icons like OnyxConfig or OnyxHelp (if appropriate)

Uninstalling the Onyx database will delete all settings for server and all local and network clients. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to perform a manual backup before launching the deinstallation. A complete recovery of the database after deinstallation is not possible.
Subfolders ..\OnyxDB und ..\Pictures which will survive the standard deinstallation process can be used to restore a database that was uninstalled accidently. Therefore, both folders should only be deleted if deinstallierten Datenbank verwendet werden und sollten nur dann endgültig gelöscht werden, wenn die any need for such recovery can definitley be denied.

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en/serveruninstall.1444478809.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/10 14:06 by onyxadmin