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Requirements for User Passwords

Password Criteria

Various password policies can be assigned as "Regular Expression" via OnyxAdmin.

The label RegExp (Password): can be used to define any number of regular expressions that all must be satisfied for a new user password.

For each expression a comment can be specified after // which will be displayed if the rule is not satisfied. If the comment is missing, the error message will display the regular expression that was violated (please, also refer to ​Regular Expression).

Example of a set of rules with comment:

Expression Passwort-Richtlinie
.{8} at least 8 characters
[a-z] at least one lower case letter
[A-Z] at least one uppercase letter
[0-9] at least one digit
[:punct:] at least one special character

Repeatedly entering the wrong password will cause the login window to close.

Reset password

Forgotten or stolen user passwords can be reset by the administrator (with OnyxAdmin access).
Forgotten or stolen admin password can be reset by Image Instruments.

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en/6318.1688730973.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/07 13:56 by onyxadmin