Table of Contents

Tracing Options

Using the [Options] button in the panel, you can make various settings on individual tabs with regard to graphics overlays on 2D and 3D image windows.

Tab |Templates|

SurfaceAuxillary WindowInput WindowTemplatesVariablesPointsMonitor3D

[Click on tab opens related wiki page]

On tab |Templates| it is possible to define separately for each tracing type which templates are to be displayed in addition to the tracing. The templates are drawn independently of the analysis selection and, if required, their curvature can be manually adjusted as a Bezier curve.
If additional points are required for drawing the curves in addition to the reference points queried by the current analyses selection, then these are automatically added to the point list and arranged in the sequence specified for the tracing type.

Panel on top

Here on the tabs

the supported tracing types for the respective image type listed.

Panel below

The panel lists the standard and individual templates installed for the tracing type selected above. The checkbox in front of each entry controls the visibility of the template in the tracing.
With the checkbox

can be used to specify that the closed tooth contours are filled.

The settings affect the local workspace.