Table of Contents

Measurement of Overjet and Overbite on 3D Findings

Measurement of horizontal (overjet) and vertical step (overbite) on the virtual segmented 3D model according to the definitions given below can be performed in the Evaluation 3D module using the WALA analysis for Tracing types Cast Mixed 3D and Cast Permanent 3D.


Distance between the incisal edges of the most prominent upper and lower incisors representing the sagittal overlap of the mandibular incisors by their maxillary antagonists; measured perpendicular to the dental arch of the mandible and parallel to occlusal plane.

Landmark [Overjet Post.] is automatically found by projecting it vertically onto the dental arch curve of the mandible.
The overjet is then measured by projection into the occlusal plane and displayed in the results table.

If landmark [Overjet Post.] is not found, it must be located manually by right-clicking it.
In case of negative overjet, simply change the order of landmark placement.

¹ To be able to set the landmark correctly, adjust the model to an oblique-from-below view and save it as the default view [Overjet] for later use.


Distance between the incisal edges of the most prominent upper and lower incisors representing the vertical overlap of the mandibular incisors by their maxillary antagonists; measured parallel to the sagittal plane and perpendicular to occlusal plane.

The overbite is measured perpendicular to the occlusal plane by distance projection into the sagittal plane and displayed for all 4 pairs of incisors.