Hand over Analysis Results

With the help of VDDS-media communication, it is possible to transfer analysis results from the evaluation modules (2D and 3D) to the practice management. VDDS-media is defined and maintained by Verband Deutscher Dentalssoftwarehersteller, VDDS).

The prerequisite is that their practice management system (PVS) supports the VDDS info import according to the VDDS-media standard. See VDDS-media: PVS level 6 and MMOINFIMPORT.
Then OnyxCeph³™ can be configured to allow the transfer of analysis results to the PVS.

In the OnyxCeph³™ system options you should select your practice management system. For this purpose, it must be availableas PMS with a MMOINFIMPORT entry in the VDDS_MMI.ini.

In the evaluation modules (2D and 3D), there should then be a button with the name of your PMS, with which the transfer of the current analysis can be triggered.

OnyxCeph³™ schreibt, wie vom VDDS-media-Standard vorgesehen, eine normale Kommunikationsdatei und eine "MMO"-Datei mit den Analyseergebnissen.

Die MMO-Datei hat folgende Struktur:

TYPE=FRS                                          //Image type
TYPEID=0                                          //Image type index (the image type name may change due to translation)
NAME=Österr. Ges. f. KFO                          //Name of analyse
DESCR=FRS-Analyse d. Österr. Gesellschaft f. KFO  //Analysis long name
CODE=52694899                                     //Analysis ID (the analysis name may change due to translation)

DATE=20100425                                     //Date of acquisition YYYYMMDD

COUNT=23                                          //Number of analysis results

V1_Name=1. Skelettale Diagnose                    //1. Variable (Headline, therefore no linked values)

V2_Name=NSAr                                      //2. Variable: Name
V2_Value=124.12                                   //2. Variable: Value (incl. 1 decimal)
V2_Unit=°                                         //2. Variable: Unit
V2_Code=ON3747X90                                 //2. Variable: Unique ID (the variable name may change due to translation) 
V2_Text=124,1°                                    //2. Variable: Text-formated value (decimal separator defined by Windows-OS)
V3_Name=SArGo                                     //3. Variable
V6_Name=WT (Sum)
V6_Value=horizontale Wachstumstendenz             //6. Variable: A verbas result

The output is always in the language selected on the workstation.
Then the VDDS info import server of the PMS is opened with the communication file as parameter.
After the PMS has read the data, "READY" should be set to 1.
OnyxCeph³™ will delete all communication files at the latest at the next restart.